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Estimate decision curves for a list of predictive models and/or binary tests all at once. Necessary to make comparative inferences across multiple models or tests using their corresponding posterior draws.


  thresholds = seq(0, 0.5, length = 51),
  prior_p = NULL,
  prior_se = NULL,
  prior_sp = NULL,
  priors = NULL,
  threshold_varying_prior = FALSE,
  ignorance_region_cutpoints = c(0.25, 0.75) * max(thresholds),
  min_sens_prior_mean = 0.01,
  max_sens_prior_mean = 0.99,
  max_sens_prior_sample_size = 5,
  ignorance_region_mean = 0.5,
  ignorance_region_sample_size = 2,
  prev_prior_mean = 0.5,
  prev_prior_sample_size = 2,
  summary_probs = c(0.025, 0.975),
  external_prevalence_data = NULL,
  prior_only = FALSE,
  n_draws = 4000



A data.frame with an outcomes column (0 or 1 for each individual) and one or more columns with predicted probabilities from each of desired list of predictive models, or with 0 or 1 indicator from each of desired list of binary tests.


Numeric vector with probability thresholds with which the net benefit should be computed (default is seq(0, 0.5, length = 51)).

prior_p, prior_se, prior_sp

Non-negative shape values for Beta(alpha, beta) priors used for p, Se, and Sp, respectively. Default is uniform prior for all parameters - Beta(1, 1). A single vector of the form c(a, b) can be provided for each.


A list with threshold- and model-specific priors should contain a vector for shape1 of prevalence (named p1) and shape2 (named p2). Similarly for Se1/Se2 and Sp1/Sp2, except these should be matrices with as many rows as thresholds and as many columns as models or tests.


Probabilities used to compute credible intervals (defaults to a 95% Cr.I.).


Vector with two positive integers giving number of diseased and non-diseased individuals, respectively, from external data (e.g., if analyzing nested case-control data, this is the number of cases and non-cases in the source population).


If set to TRUE, will produce prior DCA.


Logical indicating whether to keep stanfit in the output (default is FALSE).


Logical indicating whether to keep posterior draws from stanfit object (default is TRUE).


If TRUE (default), it will set a single prior for all models or tests in all thresholds. If FALSE, the prior will be threshold and, potentially, model/test-specific.

min_prior_mean, max_prior_mean

Minimum and maximum prior mean for sensitivity and specificity. Only used if constant_prior = FALSE.


Control verbosity of rstan::sampling (check its help page for details).


An object of class BayesDCA


fit <- dca(PredModelData)